Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's time to talk "Money"

Can you get a loan for buying a home these days? Absolutely!
Is it more difficult? You bet.

It's getting a little rough out there!! Lenders are reviewing credit scores more closely, asking for more and more information (sometimes right up to the closing!), and appraisers are following much tighter guidelines. Forewarned is forearmed, as you know, so our blog will give you information as it happens, or tips about stuff that's already changed!

Brand new! If you are getting a "conventional" loan (less than $417,000, and not VA or FHA), and you are putting less than 20% down, you will be required to have Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). That is not new. What IS new is that one PMI company (and others will follow soon) is requiring a minimum credit score of 680 on all applications received after July 6th. In addition, most PMI companies are limiting the debt-to-income ratio to 41% to 45% (i.e., all of your debts, including your mortgage payment, cannot exceed more than 41-45% of your gross income.) (Information provided by Sue Izard, Woodforest Mortgage Company)

It's important that you know what your credit score is! You can do this for FREE once a year by clicking onto the link provided to the right. Happy House Hunting!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! So colorful and informative and so professionally done. I loved the content and the lovely pictures. Well done. I didn’t know that Mike made golf clubs!